Articles on: Troubleshooting

I can't view a file or folder

Troubleshooting Issues Viewing Files and Folders

If you're experiencing difficulties viewing files or folders, please refer to the following troubleshooting steps:

Issue #1: Unable to View a File in the Data Room

There may be a couple reasons why you are unable to view a file:

Encryption: If the file is encrypted, it cannot be viewed in the viewer. This might be the reason for the issue. Please contact your room admin and request download access.
File Type Not Supported by Viewer: Not all file types are supported by the viewer. Please contact your room admin and request download access.
Permissions: It's possible that you don't have the necessary permissions to view certain files. Permissions are managed by the room admin. To resolve this, reach out to the admin and discuss granting you access to view and/or download specific folders and files.

Note: Our viewer supports MS Office documents (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), many image formats, and some other basic types like plain text or PDF.

Issue #2: Unable to View a Folder

If you are unable to view a folder, it indicates a permission restriction. In such cases, you should contact the room admin and request them to grant you the necessary permissions.

Tip: If you're an admin, go to the Permissions tab. Select File Permissions from the top and set permissions for that group. You can even set permissions down to the individual file level.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team.

Updated on: 28/07/2023

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